From Tiny Things to Sum of Worlds: Creativity and the Making of Bespoke Artefacts in the Mycenaean World

Friday, February 4, 2022
8 am | Virtual

Artefacts, Creativity, Technology, and Skills from Prehistory to the Classical Period in Greece

Prof. Dakouri-Hild will be giving an invited talk on the Mycenaean ornamental industries this Friday at Heidelberg University as part of a lecture series on creativity (please see links below), a component of this 4EU+ Alliance funded project (Heidelberg, Charles, Copenhagen and Warsaw).

She will be discussing ancient fine crafts vis a vis up to date thinking on creativity in cognitive science among other things, so it may be broadly interesting and thought provoking outside of archaeology. 

The talk is scheduled at 2 pm Central Europe time (so 8 am EST).



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