Studio Safety
Each member of the Art Department, whether faculty, staff, or student, is responsible for knowing and observing University of Virginia Environmental Health and Safety (UVA-EHS) and the McIntire Department of Art, Studio Art Environmental Health and Safety (SA-EHS) Policies. The goal is to develop positive attitudes regarding health and safety among all faculty, staff, and students within the studio program. It is essential that all members take an active part to initiate and enforce preventive measures to control hazards associated with activities under their direction.
The purpose of this policy is to set forth general guidelines for the Studio Art Department as Individual Studio (Area-Specific) Safety Procedures. Individual studio safety procedures are essential in providing a safe and healthful performance of art activities and the safest possible working and educational environment for faculty, staff, and students. The Art Department Individual Studio Safety Procedures will follow the provisions of the University EHS Program and any other applicable local, state, and/or federal regulations.
Only current, trained employees and enrolled students are allowed to use studio equipment.
The Studio Art Department Safety Procedures
Safety Videos
The goal of the Art Department is to create a safe working environment through the development of:
- Safety instruction
- General and area specific written procedures
- Supervision
- Training in the use of materials and equipment
Dissemination of safety information
The overall responsibility for safety and health rests with the supervisor. Faculty members are responsible for safety and housekeeping in their teaching areas. Where two faculty members share a facility, the supervisor shall designate areas of responsibility. Each faculty member is responsible for developing, posting, and enforcing any special safety precautions particular to his/her area arising from the nature of instruction. Each student is responsible for knowing all school and area-specific safety policies. Assistance in assuring compliance will be provided by Safety Supervisor, Eric Schmidt.
Responsibilities for the University and Art Department Environmental Health and Safety Program are:
Faculty and teaching assistants
Each faculty member and teaching assistant is responsible for the dissemination of information to students and employees under their active academic jurisdiction. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Explain to students the University and Studio Art Department safety regulations/procedures pertinent to their specific academic tasks and/or activities
- Assure the safe and appropriate use and storage of materials in the lab/studio areas
- Require students to use personal protective devices and clothing as needed for the proposed instruction or activity. Such devices and equipment must be maintained in good repair.
- Inspect instructional areas frequently for identification and prompt elimination of unsafe practices and conditions. Advice and assistance is available from Environmental Health and Safety on campus, and from the Safety Supervisor
- Seek prompt medical treatment for any student injured by calling 9-911
- Notify the Safety Supervisor and Department Chair of all accidents involving students, faculty, or staff, even those that do not require medical attention. This information is used statistically to plan future safety policies
- Submit recommendations for the improvement of the immediate academic environment to the Safety Coordinator or Department Chair
- Assure compliance with the Hazard Communication Act of Virginia. This Act (The Right to Know Law) includes three areas of responsibility:
- - Maintain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on file and available in the work area(s)
- - Label hazardous chemicals or products
- - Written Hazardous Communication Program and training Assistance in assuring compliance will be provided by the Safety Supervisor
Staff, Student Employees, and Students
University employees and students are subject to all campus health and safety regulations. Compliance is vital to the creation and maintenance of a healthy and safe campus environment. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Understand and comply with the University and StudioDepartment Safety Instructions, whether written or oral, when performing assigned work duties
- Use only tools and equipment approved or provided by the supervisor/instructor
- Use appropriate safety equipment and guards, and work with established safety procedures
- Report unsafe conditions, practices or equipment to the instruction/supervisor or Safety Supervisor whenever such deficiencies are observed and as often as necessary to assure correction
- Inform the instructor/supervisor and safety supervisor immediately of all injuries or accidents and assist injured persons in obtaining prompt medical treatment when necessary-by informing the Safety Supervisor and/or using one of the emergency phones