The Studenica Silk (ca. 1400): Object and Interpretation

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
11 am (Eastern) | Virtual


The AISEES-ARIT lecture on February 15, 2023 by Amanda Phillips is postponed to March due to the Maraş-based earthquake disaster that devastated Turkey and neighboring regions in Syria.  We will soon share with you the new date for the lecture.  

With great sorrow, we express our condolences to those who lost family members and loved ones, and wish for a swift recovery for those who are injured.  

Joint Lecture:

The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)

The American Institute for Southeast European Studies (AISEES)

 Dr. Amanda Phillips, Fulbright Fellow, University of Virginia, Koç University

Among the treasures in the monastery of Studenica in Serbia is a large silk hanging, woven for the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I (r. 1389-1402). It is the earliest known Ottoman textile, and is among the earliest works of Ottoman art of any sort. Although it is very well preserved, its initial production remains mysterious, as do its trajectories in the fifteenth century and later. This talk combines an overview of the silk's historical context with a discussion of technology and material, and makes a brief foray into its later life in Studenica and elsewhere.

Detail of the Studenica Silk (ca. 1400), showing an inscription naming the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I.