Please join William Wylie for a gallery talk surrounding his show with Corey Drieth: THIS:THAT, on view in the Ruffin Gallery!
THIS:THAT is a collaborative response to the body of work created by the Italian conceptual artist Alighiero e Boetti (1940-94). In 2017 Corey Drieth and William Wylie visited the retrospective Boetti exhibition MAXIMUM minimum at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice. One room of the exhibit paid homage to Boetti’s multivalent use of copies in his practice. The gallery included a photocopier, and visitors were asked to engage with the work by making black copies on red paper in the spirit of Boetti’s oeuvre. Inspired by Boetti’s interest in collaboration and the playful and inventive ways children use materials, Drieth and Wylie decided to make a game of the activity and created a patterned set of prints made of their fingertips on the glass. That series of notations or ‘score’ became the starting point for their project THIS:THAT.