PhD Program




Fri, 2019-08-09 16:39 -- Anonymous (not verified)

My current research focuses on the archaeology of the slave societies that evolved in the Chesapeake and Caribbean in the early-modern era. In addition to teaching in the anthropology and architectural history departments at UVA, I am director of archaeology at Monticello, where my department is in the midst of several long-term research projects.


Fri, 2019-08-09 16:20 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Larry Goedde is Professor of Art History in the McIntire Department of Art at the University of Virginia.  He joined the faculty in 1981 as an Acting Assistant Professor and served as department Chair for a total of nineteen years.  During his terms as Chair, he oversaw the department’s participation in planning the renovation of FayerweatherHall for Art History and the new building for Studio Art, Ruffin Hall, and represented the department during the construction phase of each project.


Fri, 2019-08-09 15:54 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Daniel Ehnbom is the author of Indian Miniatures: The Ehrenfeld Collection (1985), articles on painting and Indian architecture, and contributions to various exhibition catalogues. He was with the Macmillan/Grove Dictionary of Art (1996) in London as a contributor and consultant from 1984 and as South Asia Area Editor for Painting and Sculpture from 1988.


Fri, 2019-08-09 14:03 -- Anonymous (not verified)

Dan concentrated on Dutch Baroque Art and Cartography while an undergraduate at Mary Washington College (now the University of Mary Washington) and switched to Classical Art and Archaeology upon entering the University of Virginia. He has excavated in Morgantina, Sicily and at the Roman fort of Porolissum in Salǎj, Romania. His primary research interests are geography and the Roman/Barbarian interaction along the frontier, focusing on sites in Romania and Bulgaria.


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