Art History




Wed, 2019-08-14 18:50 -- Jieru

Dr. Yiannias is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia, teaching art history for over thirty years. Dr. Yiannias holds a Ph.D.


Wed, 2019-08-14 17:55 -- Jieru

When Marion came to Virginia in September in 1968, she was the first of the new faculty members in Art History hired by Frederick Hartt. Marion was a familiar presence to generations of our undergraduate and graduate students as Professor of Medieval Art, and she capped her long career in the department with her service as Graduate Director for six years, a period that saw a significant strengthening of the Art History graduate program in every respect.


Wed, 2019-08-14 17:52 -- Jieru

Bernard Frischer is a leading virtual archaeologist and the author of seven printed books, three e-books, and dozens of articles on virtual heritage, Classics, and the survival of the Classical world.


Wed, 2019-08-14 17:49 -- Jieru
Malcolm Bell (Professor Emeritus, McIntire Department of Art) is a Classical Archaeologist and has for many years directed excavations at Morgantina, Sicily. He has published extensively on Greek art and archaeology, including the art and culture of ancient Sicily, and the history of city-planning. He is currently preparing a volume n the Agora of Morgantina, as well as a book on the classical sources of Thomas Jefferson’s architecture at UVa.


Wed, 2019-08-14 17:47 -- Jieru

Details from the early years of Paul Barolsky remain obscure. We know however that he has been teaching courses on Italian Renaissance art and literature at the University of Virginia since 1969. His books include Michelangelo's Nose, Why Mona Lisa Smiles, Infinite Jest, Michelangelo and the Finger of God, and A Brief History of the Artist from God to Picasso.


Sun, 2019-08-11 19:23 -- Jieru


Elizabeth Hutton Turner since 2007 University Professor in the Department of Art, University of Virginia (UVA). In that same year she was appointed to a five year term establishing new office and programs as the first Vice-Provost for the Arts for the University.  


Fri, 2019-08-09 17:30 -- Jieru

Tyler Jo Smith (Professor, Department of Art) is a Classical Archaeologist who specializes in ancient Greek figure-decorated pottery, and images of performance and ritual in Greek and Roman art.


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