Pop-Up Installation: point to touch, to touchpoint...

Saturday, October 14, 2023
7 - 9 pm | front plaza of Ruffin Hall

Please join us for a pop-up installation outside Ruffin Hall this FRIDAY + SATURDAY (details below):

point to touch, to touchpoint 
fall low up lands, low fall lands up 
you resemble the wall, you resemble the garden

point to touch… is an installation and performance series by nonhumanities, an art collective consisting of faculty members Conrad Cheung (Art), Anna Hogg (Art), and Katie Schetlick (Drama and Dance). How might familiar spatial genres like the maze be reimagined as sites for alternative dynamics of power, multiplications of narrative, processes of cooperation and community, forms of alienation and play, and more? Join nonhumanities for the first intervention in the series in the front plaza of Ruffin Hall from Oct. 13-14, from 7-9 pm each day