Monumental Concerns: Marisa Williamson

Saturday, October 7, 2023
8:30 am - 5:30 pm | Watson Hall, Syracuse University

“Monumental Concerns,” a daylong symposium hosted by Syracuse University artist-in-residence Carrie Mae Weems, will consider the role of monuments and their contested histories in contemporary society. The event will bring together scholars, artists, curators, activists and local historians to explore how monuments can commemorate challenging histories and shape dominant narratives on national and local levels.

How do we dialogue about these often-controversial issues and fairly address a multitude of perspectives? To what extent do we invite opposition to discussions of monument removal or displacement? When and how do these debates spill over into racial violence and what can we do to address this reality? How do we acknowledge the emotional and nationalistic role that monuments often play while advocating for more inclusive historical framing? Through sustained, thoughtful and respectful dialogue in thematic presentations, participants can begin to define what a monument is in 21st-century America and imagine what monuments could be for the future.